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Last Updated: 2 days ago
Northern Strand Extension
The 1.9 mile extension will enhance downtown Lynn's streets with curb-separated on-street bikeways, sidewalk improvements, and safer crossings. This extension will connect to the existing beachfront bike path at Nahant Beach.
The Northern Strand Community Trail, also known as the Bike to the Sea Trail, is a 10-mile public-use path project, including a rail trail portion, which connects the cities of Everett, Malden, Revere, Saugus, and Lynn, along the former Saugus Branch Railroad of the Boston & Maine Railroad and other shared-use roads.
The Border to Boston Trail is a 70-mile shared-use trail that links approximately 20 communities from the New Hampshire border to Boston for non-motorized uses including walking, bicycling, and more. It also coincides with the East Coat Greenway.
November 22, 2021
MassDOT shared plans for a 2-mile extension of the Northern Strand Trail through downtown Lynn to Nahant Beach, including curb-separated bikeways, sidewalk improvements, and connections to existing parkland at Nahant Beach. Residents and officials from Lynn and Nahant expressed strong support for the project. MassDOT will refine the engineering plans throughout 2022, with construction expected to begin in 2023, costing an estimated $9.5 million.